Conference Programme

Conference Programme Schedule

Day 1
16 Sep 2018
Day 2
17 Sep 2018
Day 3
18 Sep 2018

Bus Departure

Bus leaves Rutherford Hotel for Whakatu Marae.


Powhiri followed by light refreshments

Whakawhārikihia te kaupapa: Scene Setting

Setting the scene – addresses by Dr.Oliver Sutherland, Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox and Rāhui Kātene representing Ngāti Koata
Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox
Rahui Katene
Oliver Sutherland

Oliver Sutherland – The story of WAI 262

WAI 262 – the Native Flora and Fauna Claim to the Waitangi Tribunal – is a testament to the vision of five Māori leaders and their lawyer. Drafted in 1989...
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Oliver Sutherland

Rahui Katene, Ngati Koata – te hokinga mai o te manu hakapakapa

‘Ko Aotearoa Tēnei’ was published in July 2011 calling for the relationship between Māori and the Crown to move to a new era based on partnership. Has the Crown been...
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Rahui Katene

Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox

Is legislation the best way to protect Mātauranga Māori?
Deputy Chief Judge Caren Fox

Whakamutunga o te Rā | Session Ends

Bus returns to Rutherford Hotel

Karakia, Timatanga o te ra

Opening Karakia and introduction to conference

Opening Address

Hon. Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Māori Development, Hon. Kris Faafoi, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs – Hon Kris Faafoi
Minister of Māori Development – Hon Nanaia Mahuta

Kaikorero Matua, Keynote speaker – Moana Jackson

Rights, Wrongs, and Reaffirmation – The Struggle for the Recognition of Indigenous Intellectual Property The struggle by Māori and other indigenous Peoples to reclaim and protect their intellectual and cultural...
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Moana Jackson

Pae Matapaki Tuatahi – Panel Discussion One

Cultural Misappropriation: What is it? When does copying cease to be flattering? Can anything be done to prevent it, and if so by whom? Kaiwhakahaere/Facilitator: Kaapua Smith (Contact Energy) Kaikōrero/Panelists:...
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Pai Matapaki Tuarua – Panel Discussion Two

What impact has the WAI 262 claim had on New Zealand’s laws and policies? Does the Tribunal’s report provide a blueprint for the future? What more needs to be done...
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Wa Tina – Lunch

Huihuinga Matauranga – 3 Concurrent Workshops

Wānanga Tuatahi/Workshop 1: Tikanga, Protocols & Practices for Whānau, Hapū, and Iwi Māori Collections ROOM: Maitai 1 As the recovery and revitalisation of our culture and communities continues to develop...
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Paramanawa – Afternoon Tea

Wahanga tuarua o te ra – Introduction to the next session

Introduction to the next session and to the two keynote speakers

Kaikorero Matua – Keynote Speaker, Terri Janke

Our Culture: Our Future – 19 years on Issues for management and protection of Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property: An Australian Perspective In1999, Terri wrote the report Our Culture: Our...
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Terri Janke

Kaikorero Matua – Keynote Speaker, Maui Solomon

“Maori Control over Things Maori” – The vision of Wai 262 The above quote from Saana Murray, the Wai 262 claimant for Ngati Kuri in her evidence to the Waitangi...
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Maui Solomon

Bus Departure

Bus leaves Rutherford House for Whakatu Marae

Conference Dinner and Entertainment, Whakatu Marae

3-course sit down meal, catered by Chefs Karena & Kasey Masterchef New Zealand 2014 winners Winners of “Best TV Cookbook in the World”- Gourmand World Cookbook awards 2016 Winners of...
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Whakamutunga o te ra – session ends

Bus Arrives at Rutherford Hotel

Registration Desk Opens

Karakia, Timatanga o te ra

Opening Karakia and conference announcements

Wahanga tuatahi o te ra

Introductions of keynotes

Kaikorero Matua – Keynote Speaker, Paul Morgan

Paul Morgan, Chairman, Wakatū Incorporation “Creating an IP “Culture” in Commerce that is strategic and values based”
Paul Te Poa Karoro Morgan QSO

Kaikorero Matua – Keynote Speaker, Alejandro Argumedo

Alejandro Argumedo Director, ANDES, Potato Park, Peru “Indigenous Stewardship, Biocultural Heritage Rights, and Branding” This talk will discuss the links between established indigenous rights associated to the stewardship of lands, waters...
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Alejandro Argumedo

Pai matapaki tuatoru – Panel Discussion Three

Māori brands – What’s in a name? What makes a Māori Business unique? Kaiwhakahaere/Facilitator: Andrew Baker, (3 degrees Ltd) Kaikōrero/Panellists: Victor Goldsmith (Ngāti Porou Miere Limited Partnership), Rachel Taulelei (Kono...
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Pai matapaki tuaeha – Panel Discussion Four

Our Legacy – What do we need to do to safeguard the integrity of the cultural heritage of future generations Kaiwhakahaere/Facilitator: Wena Harawira (Journalist) Kaikōrero/Panelists: Tina Porou (Environmental Planner), Paul Morgan...
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Huihuinga Matauranga – 3 Concurrent Workshops

Wānanga Tuawhā/Workshop 4: Protocols for Mātauranga Māori, Taonga Māori and associated data in National Collections ROOM: Maitai 1 There is an increasing interest in improving access to collections of national...
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Paramanawa – Afternoon Tea

Kaikorero Matua – Keynote speaker, Aroha Mead

Mataatua Declaration: The Challenges Ahead “The Mataatua Declaration on the Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples made its international debut at Kokohinau Marae in Te Teko, June 18th...
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Aroha Te Pareake Mead

hakarāpopoto me te Karakia Whakamutunga

Final announcements and Closing karakia